• 21 сентября 2018, пятница
  • Санкт-Петербург, Преображенская пл. 4

Movie Screening: Hobbyhorse Revolution

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Генеральное консульство Финляндии в Санкт-Петербурге
2290 дней назад
21 сентября 2018 c 18:00 до 20:00
Преображенская пл. 4

The documentary “Hobbyhorse Revolution” follows the lives of three young women, Aisku, Elsa and Alisa, whose lives were changed by hobbyhorses, and who are brave enough to live the life they want.

Consulate General of Finland presents a new Finnish hobby: hobbyhorsing!

Hobbyhorsing rose into fame last year when Finnish director Selma Vilhunen’s documentary was first screened. The documentary “Hobbyhorse Revolution” follows the lives of three young Finnish women, Aisku, Elsa and Alisa, whose lives were changed by hobbyhorses, and who are brave enough to live the life they want to even when the world around them doesn’t seem to understand their hobby.

Within ten years hobbyhorsing has become a beloved hobby and a way of life for thousands of young people in Finland, and the fever is rising also in other European countries.

One of the stars of the documentary will arrive to the screening, and the audience will have a chance to ask her questions. She will also be teaching hobbyhorse riding on Saturday 22nd September at the Palace Square.

OBS! The language of the film is Finnish, subtitles are only in English. Doors open at 17:45, film starts at 18:00.


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